America is one of the most popular poems of Allen Ginsberg. He published it in 1954 and it reflects on his thoughts about the social and political situation in the post WWII years in the USA. The poem is part of his collection Howl and Other Poems, which turned him into one of the most prominent figures in American literature and culture.
To fully understand the poem America one should first understand the political and social context in which the poem emerges. Ginsberg wrote it during the height of the Cold War between America and the Soviet Union. The war had sparked many internal conflicts, ideological and political. Racial segregation was staining American culture, while initiatives like the civil rights movements started to form. In addition, consumer culture also had an influence on society. In general, the country’s values and beliefs were being tested and questioned in times which the whole world was changing.
Ginsberg’s poems touches on these sensitive topics and questions as well as criticizing the country’s status and the “American Dream”.
Disillusionment is a leading theme in the poem, as the poet presents a broken America. An America which didn’t fulfill its promises of rights and freedom. He portrays a hypocritical country which didn’t live up to the expectations for prosperity. Instead, inequality shadows the nation’s ideals. The vivid images and shocking example make the statement shocking.
America why are your libraries full of tears?
America when will you send your eggs to India?
I’m sick of your insane demands.
When can I go into the supermarket and buy what I need with my good looks?
America after all it is you and I who are perfect not the next world.
Your machinery is too much for me.
You made me want to be a saint.
Another theme in Allen Ginsberg’s “America” is the criticism of capitalism. Ginsberg highlights the pursuit of material goods and the constant fight for profit and comfort. This results, according to the poet in society losing its authenticity and connection to human relations.

Moreover, the poem America attacks harshly capitalism and the corruption which comes with it. He criticizes the country’s institutions and blames the government for empowering oppressive policies and separating society.
Ginsberg’s style really helps the poem in its authenticity and power to make an impact. It is written in free verse and avoids any conviction of meter or rhyme. This allows for a more raw way of expressing the writer’s ideas and thoughts. He uses repetition as a tool to employ urgency and to chaotic narrative to reflect on the situation of American society.
Allen Ginsberg’s America is one of the most powerful and enduring American poems coming from the Beat period, which reflects on the social and political unrest of its times. It has gained a well deserved appreciation for its artistic and cultural contribution and it has a lasting heritage in American literature.